Upsurgent Now is the nonprofit and charitable division of Upsurgent. Upsurgent Now is a US 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all donations to Upsurgent Now are tax deductible. Currently, all donations received by Upsurgent Now are dedicated to the Schultes Center and their efforts in the following areas:
A small percentage of your donation goes to Upsurgent Now to cover our administrative costs, the costs for maintaining our website and the development and expansion of Upsurgent Now’s charitable projects.
Upsurgent Now adheres to strict ethical standards regarding the use of funds to assure that donated funds are used for charitable purposes and not to the benefit of anyone associated with Upsurgent Now. For further information, please feel free to contact us.
We thank you for your donation to Upsurgent Now in support of the Schultes Center!